Open weekdays 9 AM-5 PM          (920) 208 - 0493
the HAY CRIB family of livestock products 
​So that last Snow Buried the Hay in the Feeder and the cattle wont touch it !

It Rained on the Hay in Your Feeder Ring for the Horses , Now its turning White !!

I've Had all these Problems and Came up with a Solution!! 

No more Hay Ruined by rain or buried in snow ! 

Stop Mold! and Rot in the Hay you spend BIG $$ on !
Lower Vet Calls & Increase Gain !!

 "the HAY CRIB round bale feeder roof 

You Love Your Animals Dont Let their Feed Spoil

 the HAY CRIB lifetime Mini round
 feeders  5 foot diameter 
NEW 5' Minnie for Sheep , Goat or Calf feeding Small Square bales 
Light Weight , Environmentally Friendly , Easy to Assemble and USE Your Animals Forage Will Stay Looking starting BETTER TODAY 
A reversible feeder with a floor and Oval feed ports or Keyholes ringing the center the last feeder you will ever buy the ONLY round bale feeder specifically for Sheep , Goats or Calfs 
​$500.00 + S&H 
If you have any question concerning deliveries, pick-ups or prices, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our friendly staff will help find the best solutions for you.
Light Weight 55 lbs. , UV protected , Safe & Animal Friendly HMW & HDP2
the HAY CRIB round bale feeder roof $375.00 +S&H
fits Your standard 8" Round bale feeders for ALL Types of Livestock goats , sheep , cattle and horse ( an adapter is available for Tombstone type feeders )
the HAY CRIB lifetime Cattle ,Calf. Sheep , & Goat  feeders 
Designed and Built to save Feed , Money , Time ,and Labor  for Round bales !
Designed to LAST a LIFE TIME from UV protected Plastic Light Weight , Environmentally Friendly , Easy to Assemble and USE
​Available in Cattle style with with 17"X24" feed ports or as a reversible feeder with 24 6" 8"or 12'"X20" Oval feed ports or Keyholes ringing the center the last feeder you will ever buy the ONLY round bale feeder specifically for Sheep , Goats or Calfs 
$ 650.00 + S&H